Today was just rather a
BAD HAIR DAY,BAD SKIN DAY BUT GOOD LUCK DAY(suppose to be i think..)
my hair today was sucks
the curls all was just like OUT OF CONTROL ==
it makes me more wanna to straighten my stupid hair
ARRRRRGGGG!!! i hate my hair
pimples are pitching out from my face
maybe was because i sleep late Late and VERY LATE now a days
yaya..i know
i need to drink more water and get more rest
okay,i will..
i will be a good girl
wonder why im saying today was kinda a good luck day?
okay, on the way long when im rushing from monorail to pavilion for work something......
something was dropping down from the sky
and its landing 1CM beside me
wonder what it is??
the moment im looking out for the answer
i was just "oh my god"
its a white watery BIRD SHIT!!
it just 1cm apart from me
seriously!! it came down and almost "touch" my right arm ==
if the really moment im walking slightly to the right
the bird shit will land ON MY HEAD!!!
spm results are coming out next thursday i think
if not mistaken
slightly nervous from now onwards
my spm result will be COMING SOON
GOD BLESS ME AND YOU YOU YOU, whoever u are.. wakakaka~~