just came back from college
and without doing anything,
i straightly stick my butt infront of the lappie
kinda felt that, its so meaningless
like u woke up in such a morning
and headed to college for like 2 hours,
and its ended up just like that
back to home and wondering what i should fill in my rest of the time
take a nap?
nop.. will be hard for me to fall a sleep in the night that suppose to do so
hmmm~ trying to do so
i don have any lec notes and i cant even log in to the college e-learning web pages
y? help me please somebody..
i tried and Tried and TRIED for like tons of times
it just show out like,
"an error occured bla bla and bla...."
whats the hack problem?
the lec class for tomorrow will be at 3-5pm
the middle of the day
but i think i should went out early to complete some stuff
hate to walk around the darn HUGE college
+ under the darn HOT wheather
walking around from main entrance to dkc
from dkd to library then
and library to canteen 2
from canteen 2 to the sbs office
just wondering if i could travel with a bicycle
or even a pair of roller skates in the college
that will be great!!
kinda fed up with some issue
when will it be done as u guys promise?
if possible, i can do it myself!
asking everyday and i will just get the same ans,
"few days more....."
//wanted to know more friends in college
poney neo is actually kinda nice and friendly